Galactic Collision

29 05 2009

Well, we’re all screwed. Life as we know it is totally over (probably)… 3 Billion years. IT turns out that our good ol’ Milky Way Galaxy is headed for a collision of Galactic proportions with the Andromeda Galaxy, which is our closest neighbor. We’ve only got 3 billion years to figure out how to stop it. I’m getting some pretty awesome movie ideas.

How would you stop two galaxies from colliding? Below are some computer generated simulations of galactic collisions. From the University of Toronto.

Here is our Milky way, colliding with Andromeda.

And here are some Hubble shots of galaxies in mid-collision.



One response

4 06 2009
Jason Galle

Big deal. This is nothing compared to watching the Andromedo-Milky encounter during “Cosmic Collisions” on OMSI’s 20-foot planetarium dome. And they did better than a “computer simulation,” they have actual footage!

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