OK, so Endeavour.

12 07 2009

Today, Space Shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to scream off the launch pad at 7:13 pm Eastern Time (4:13 pm Oregon time). Endeavour is scheduled to deliver final components to the Japanese Kibo module of the  International Space Station. Over a series of 16 days and five space walks, astronauts will assemble two platforms located outside of the Kibo module that will serve as a sort of “front porch”.This allows experiments that require direct exposure to open space to occur on the ISS.

Based on where Mission specialist Cristopher Cassidy is sitting in the Shuttle during launch, he will be the 500th person in space!

There will be a free live-via-satellite viewing of the launch at the OMSI in the planetarium today at 3:30. Pray for good weather.



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